Traveling is a great way to refresh and re-energize yourself. Besides that as well, there are many definite advantages of traveling. Here is the list of excellent benefits of traveling :


Health benefits of Travelling

 Yes, traveling could be a bit heavy on your pocket, but in the long term, it may help you to save. Imagine no medical bills because of your travel. Traveling is good not just for your physical but mental health as well. It helps in cutting down stress and also makes you happy. These reduce the chance of heart problems and many other health issues. Doctors suggest traveling to patients with depression and anxiety. Traveling is good from all perspectives but make sure to go to safe places and places with healthy food. I am sure it will make you more healthy.

You know your true potential   

We never step out of our comfort zone. Traveling helps you step out of your zone, especially when you travel to remote areas. Who knows what potential you have, you may be able to sleep in an open ground with insects everywhere, and an introvert may be able to interact with people. All this will make you a better person and boost your confidence that you can do much more than you thought.

Meet and be friends with new people

One of the best things about travel is the friendships and connections you make in a short time. The people you meet there become a big part of your life. You will forever cherish the memories you made with them. You may even befriend some locals. Travelling is not just a great way to escape from your daily routine but also to meet new people with different experiences and perceptions. This will make you fresh and happy. You meet unknown people and surprisingly become friends; it is the best feeling.

Experience cultural diversity

 Is it not impressive when you meet people with different values, cultures, and living conditions? Travelling allows you to experience great cultural variety. The world is full of diversity, and here we are, interacting with only a few people in our circle. We have to get out and explore the world not just for its beauty but for its diversity. You will meet different ethnic groups with different values and cultures.

Read the post about Famous places in Chitwan.

Learn a new language

Traveling is a great way to learn a new language. You will discover an entire language in a few days of travel, but at least you will know basic things. Imagine being able to say, What is your name? in fifty languages or knowing a local language of a specific ethnic group. When you meet new people with a different language, you will have a chance to learn their language. You can show it off to your friends and family after you return. Traveling is a great way to learn new things, including language.

Experience completely new cuisines  

 The best thing about traveling places is that you get to eat new and different cousins. Who doesn’t love food when it is typical and full of local flavors? There is no greater happiness. While traveling, you get familiar with many cuisines you never thought existed. Traveling is not just an adventure for you but for your taste buds as well.

Broaden your horizon

 While you travel, how you look at things changes, and overall, your horizon broadens. You see more incredible things, meet different people and maybe start appreciating what you have after knowing their stories. Your knowledge expands, and so does your vision. You become a better person overall.

Traveling to other places, incredibly remote areas, can be not just fun but enlightening. You realize all that you have when you see their life. We will learn to appreciate all the things we once took for granted, our family and all our luxuries, and realize how fortunate we are. Traveling even gives you the courage to face any situation in life. You will return with a new perspective toward most things in life.

Adventures you could do in Nepal

 I listed all the benefits of traveling. I hope I have inspired dear readers to travel more. When we talk about traveling, there is no way I will miss Nepal. Nepal has amazing places you can travel to and amazing things you can do. To give you a demo, I am listing a few adventures you could take up in Nepal :


Mountaineering first opened up Nepal to the outside world. People used to visit Nepal to scale high peaks. Eight of the world’s 14 highest peaks above 8,000 m are in Nepal’s north, including the highest, Mt. Everest. You could scale this mountain and take up this thrilling sport.

Rafting and Kayaking

Not only mountains, but Nepal also has the wildest and fast-flowing white-water sources. Set out in a raft in any of the rivers. This is a surreal experience you could find nowhere else on the planet. You can choose from many options and can raft through jungles and mountains.

 Bungee Jump

The bungee jump in Nepal is one of the main attractions. When we talk about bungee, The last resort is one you shouldn’t miss. It was designed by one of New Zealand’s leading bungee consultants and is very safe. It will be fantastic if you bungee Jump at least once in your life.