Nepali date today is in Bikram Sambat BS. Whenever you search for current Nepali dates, your search results show sites with different Patro and calendars. Every day, when I search for the Nepali date of today, I need to go to those multicultural Nepali calendars where it is even difficult to find the date. Not joking, I am serious. I deleted one of the popular Android apps from my mobile because they were sending a lot of notifications every time, and it was really hard for me to find the date over there.

Table of Contents
So, I came up with the idea to create a small single-page website where it displays only Nepali Miti, nothing else, not even English DateTime.
Isn’t it a good idea? Displaying Nepali time now in mm dd yyyy date format.
What is today’s date in Nepal?
Date today in Nepal is updated daily.

What is the BS date in Nepal?
Official Bikram Sambat Nepalidate is updated today.

I created this page for my own convenience. It may help you too to check the current Nepali date and time.
If you are looking for a Nepali date converter today, our tool also converts Nepali to AD. It also converts the current date to BS.
If you are looking for a Nepal calendar, visit our page to get it. It covers important Nepalese festivals, events, holidays, and tithi of the year with days.

Interesting Nepali Date facts
Nepal usage of Nepali date: BS date format for the Bikram Sambat is official and common in Nepal.
Nepal is 5 hours and 45 minutes ahead of GMT.
Nepal is 10 hours and 45 minutes ahead of Eastern Time.
AEDT is 5 hours and 15 minutes ahead.
Tokyo, Japan, is 3 hours and 15 minutes ahead.
Thank you for sharing the Nepali date! It’s really helpful to keep track of our cultural events and festivals. Looking forward to more updates!