Lok Sewa Ayog (Public Service Commission) was established on 15 June 1952 AD (1 Asad 2008 BS). It was established with the objective of appointment of the staffs through an independent and separate body. Since then it has been recruiting the qualified candidates for civil service in Nepal. As per the constitution of Nepal, Lok Sewa Ayog conducts the exam for the selection of Civil Service, Nepal Police, Nepal Army, Armed Police Force as well as other corporations and government bodies of Nepal.
Table of Contents
The government job in Nepal has only a single gateway, which is Lok Sewa Examination (Public Service Examination), conducted by Lok Sewa Aayog (Public Service Commission). PSC, Nepal is the main constitutional body that recruits candidates based on a merit system for Civil service in Nepal. It was established on June 15, 1951, A.D. It is regarded as the fair and most credible recruitment method in our country where otherwise rampant nepotism is present. The constitution of Nepal 2072 regards PSC as an independent constitutional body.
Public Service Commission for the recruitment of candidates in a government job has been around for a long time now. These jobs are considered very reputed in Nepal, and with time, people wishing to acquire it are increasing as well. These civil service posts provide jobs in multifarious areas of technical and non-technical jobs. These jobs are enticing as it provides many facilities and incentives to the job holders, not provided by the private institution. Further studies, immediate career progression, the authority to influence other sectors, stable jobs are the reasons people are attracted towards government jobs.
The first step towards government job in Nepal is the Lok Sewa Examination which is conducted yearly. This open competitive examination may consist either one or all of written examination, practical examination, interview and others as ordained by a commission. However, seats are limited, and the competition is considered tough. For this tough competition, you need to prepare very well. Here we, provide you with some preparation tips for Lok Sewa examination. Whichever post may you be applying for; you just need the following points to pass the Lok Sewa examination.
Lok Sewa Ayog is responsible for the following operations:
- Lok Sewa Aayog is responsible for conducting the exam for the selection of the right candidates for the Civil Service in Nepal.
- Lok Sewa Aayog is responsible for conducting written exam for the selection of the right candidates for different government bodies other than Civil Service like Nepal Police, Nepal Army, Armed Police Force and other corporations and services.
- Lok Sewa Aayog is responsible for being a body for advising in the subject of simple principles for different other government bodies like Nepal Police, Nepal Army, Armed Police Force and others in the process of promotions of the officials.
- Lok Sewa Ayog is responsible for being a body for advising in the subject of simple principles for different government bodies about the services associated law, promotion and penalising an official.
- Without Lok Sewa Ayog’s advice and recommendation, an official isn’t subject to the appointment in the permanent position that gets a government-sanctioned pension.
How to prepare Lok Sewa Aayog examination
Study: As PSC Examination is a competitive one and many candidates are there to apply, the study is a must. Your study should boost your knowledge. Overnight studying is not at all sufficient if you want to pass the PSC examination. You need to prepare for a long time before. Higher the level you are applying for, tougher will be the questions. So, you need to study at least for 3-4 hours per day, try to memorise what you study, relate it to the current practices and retain the information.
The examination encompasses both the subjective and objective examination. So, an analytical study is needed. You need to study, question and find out the answers to those questions. The answer options in the multiple choice questions are there to confuse you. Among the four, at least two may put you in a serious dilemma. That’s why; you need to study even the minute details. You can take the preparation classes for Lok Sewa examination, or you can do self-study. It’s all up to you, but you need to focus on whatever you are doing. If you are taking a class or studying yourself, make the best out of it.

Lok Sewa Aayog
Being updated: Just being limited to the course books is not sufficient. PSC examination also tests your general knowledge. So, you need to be aware of contemporary events nationally as well as internationally. You also need to know about common facts and findings. Lok Sewa Aayog examination carries good mark in General knowledge. So, it is important to prepare GK questions Lok Sewa Aayog.
Endeavour: A good endeavour is needed to prepare yourself for the examination and keeping yourself motivated. Keep the flame of passing the PSC examination inside you ignited. Do not get demotivated at all. A consistent hard work, patience and the willpower inside you to achieve the goal pay off for sure.
Study materials: There are many study materials available in the market to make you self-prepared for an examination. Go there and choose the best one for you. GK books and your course books will be helpful too. Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, you can make use of the internet to guide you. You should know your syllabus and keep your study converged to the syllabus. Many sites are providing you with the question sets from past examinations. The online education site, www.loksewaguide.com is a registered company which can help you with your preparation. Also, you can find the app Loksewa Nepal which is downloaded by more than 100 thousand people from the Google play store. It is a very useful app to prepare for Lok Sewa Aayog examination and is updated on a daily basis. Notices, News, quizzes, model tests, practice questions are all available in this app that you can take advantage of to increase your information.

Lok Sewa Aayog books
Lok Sewa Ayog exam process
Lok Sewa Ayog undergoes following process in fulfilling the vacant posts in different government bodies:
- Written exam
- Practical exam
- Interview and
- PSC’s other examination methods
Lok sewa Ayog result
psc.gov.np is an official website for result publishment of Lok Sewa. We will be providing the full tutorial to check lok sewa result online. If you have any confusion on result check of lok sewa, please use our comment section to ask any kind of questions.
Lok sewa Ayog notice
Each and every notice of Lok sewa will be published on this website. psc.gov.np is an official website which provides official notice of each and every happening at lok sewa. Lok sewa regularly publishes different vacancy notices along with the number of available seats for the position. WapNepal will update each and every notice on the website to reach up to you.
Lok Sewa Ayog (Public Service Commission) prepares an annual work schedule. The calendar includes details and time frame for different works. Based on the demand of different concerned bodies, Lok Sewa Ayog determines the numbers of posts be advertised. This is all done by the contemporary practice of the constitution of Nepal, its articles and policies. The determined numbers of vacant posts are advertised on Wednesdays via PSC’s website and Gorkhapatra National Daily. While advertising, Lok Sewa Ayog invites application 21 days before the open selection process starts. With double registration charge, an extra seven days get added. After the advertisement gets published, regional directorate, zonal office and application management centre start collecting online applications. Further, review over application is done and admit cards for the examinees are prepared.
Lok Sewa Ayog board members
The present commission was formed on 2071/12/11. There are seven members of the commission. The name and designations of the officials are as follows.
President Umesh Prasad Mainali
Member Bindra Hada Bhattarai
Member Govinda Prasad Kusum
Member Shreepurus Dhakal
Member Ashok Kumar Jha
Member Brahmadev Raya
Member Krishnachandra Jha
The Secretariat helps the commission in regular operations. It helps in the implementation of the decisions made by the commission. It monitors, regulates and controls the administrative and financial operations of the commission by the law.
Current Secretary
Shree Madhuprasad Regmi
Email: secretary@psc.gov.np
Phone: +977-1-4771513 (office)
Lok Sewa Ayog Contact Details
लोकसेवा आयोग Central Office,
Anamnagar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977-1-4771488, 4771481, 4771494, 4771528
Fax: 97714771490
P O Box: 8979 Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: info@psc.gov.np
Website: https://www.psc.gov.np
Best way to prepare for Lok Sewa Aayog
Lok Sewa Aayog known as Public service commission is an independent constitutional body established on 15 June 1951 A.D with a motive to select the meritorious candidates required for the government of Nepal in civil services. It is one of the toughest and most accredited modes of recruitment in Nepal. Every year tenth of thousands of candidates competes for the hundreds number of seats.
If you have a dream to crack the log sewa aayog exam then here are the best tips on how to prepare the exam:
- Effective and efficient study

An effective and efficient method
Most of the candidates of Lok Sewa exam have a misconception that they need to study hard in order to crack the exam. So, they study 24hrs a day. But the reality is that instead of reading hard they need to go through an effective and efficient way of studying. You must have a proper plan and schedule regarding your preparation and go accordingly. Try to apply study methods through which you can learn more in less time and store the acquired knowledge for a long time. Most of the problem of candidates is that they study hard but they don’t remember for a long time. This is due to the inefficient and ineffective approach they are applying in their study. They just have to change their study approach.
- Analyze the syllabus
Since the Log sewa has different syllabus based on level and departments, you must have to study first the syllabus of the level of exam you are going to prepare for. Just reading the text and preparation doesn’t help you if you never analyze the syllabus. The syllabus is the key part in the preparation of lok sewa aayog since you can identify the importance of chapters, a format of questions, types of questions, marks associated with chapters. By knowing this, you can prepare a plan on how to prepare and study the books based on chapters wise. You can get the syllabus on the website of log sewa aayog.
- Practice Model questions
Another best things you can do is to practice the model questions. This will let you know the ideas about the types of questions you will be asked in the exam. It will also help you to know the model of a question so that in the exam you can prepare accordingly. After studying, it is better to practice one model question daily so that it will help you to boost your confidence level and you don’t get panic in the exam. It is very important to maintain your time in the exam since it is limited. Model questions are available in the markets or you can download it from the internet.
- Go out of a textbook
It is good to go through your textbooks but Lok sewa is not all about your textbook. The difficulty level of question is very hard that it can come from any books. So, it is better to study references books too. There are so many references books available in the market but not all of them are of good quality. So, choose the best quality and trusted one. There are so many online sites and apps where you can get thousands of practice questions. You can consult with your seniors, your friends or even with the civil servant officer if you know anyone of them. This will help to increase your level of confidence.
- Friendly discussion
Some candidates think that by discussing with their friends about the exam and preparation, it will benefit their friends, their competitors but in reality, it will help them to analyze themselves how much prepared they are. Having a public discussion with friends will definitely help you to examine your ability and boost your confidence level. You can get ideas and tips which will be very helpful. So, it is very important to have a friendly discussion with your friend regarding the exam.
- Being updated
Since there have been massive development and innovation every day, you need to keep updated with what is happening in the world. Lok sewa exam will include the questions related to the events happening in the world and if you are not updated then there is the high risk that you can miss that question. In Log sewa exam, missing one question means you are backed by hundreds of candidates. So, always keep updated with the world events besides the textbooks.
- Co-ordination with the civil service officer
If you know anyone of the civil service officer who was able to crack the log sewa aayog exam, then you have a chance to coordinate with them because they can provide you with the valuable suggestions and tips regarding how to prepare for the exam. They may suggest you the best reference book they have used in their preparation. They may provide you guides books and tutorials regarding your exam. It will help you to gain an extra knowledge about the exam.
- Coaching class
Nowadays, there are many coaching centres related to lok sewa aayog exam preparation. You can join the classes and have many benefits like you will be taught by the civil service officers who have an excellent record in such exam. You can get the ideas, formula, and tips on how to prepare your exam effectively. Furthermore, you will get the updated guides and model questions which will be very much helpful for your preparations since such tools will not be available in the market easily. But beware of such coaching class since some of them are only to earn money from the candidates rather than providing the quality service.
- Maintain your health
Most of the candidates study very hard and prepared their best to get their position in the exam. During preparation, they don’t care about their health. They study whole night, don’t take their food on time and as a result, when the exam date is near, they get suffered from their bad health due to which they can’t do best in the exam even they have prepared their best. So, it is very important to balance your health condition too. With your study, you have to take care of health too. Only a healthy body and well-prepared mind can crack the log sewa aayog exam.
Besides all this, you can manage your time for yoga and meditation at morning. It will help you to increase your mind capacity and increase your focus level over a particular subject. Since many candidates lack focus, meditation can be the best treatment for them to increase their focus.