National Examination Board (NEB) has offered numbers of subjects in Grade 11 and Grade 12. Students get to choose the subjects they want to study based on the faculty they pursue. Moreover, the grades they attain in the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) also determine the subjects they are eligible to study. NEB subject codes grade 11 and grade 12 might be important and it is useful if you note it down.
Table of Contents
Each subject in both grade 11 and grade 12 has different code and these codes help in identification. Moreover, similar subjects are taught in both grades like English, Physics, Chemistry, Nepali and more. So, the subject codes for same subject in Grade 11 and Grade 12 are different. This helps in identification of subjects of the respective grades.
Here are the subjects offered and the NEB Grade 11 and Grade 12 subject codes:
NEB Subject Codes Grade 11
Subject | Subject Code |
Anibarya Baikalpik Sanskrit Rachana | 001 |
Compulsory Nepali | 003 |
Alternative English | 007 |
Physics | 110 |
Introduction to Education (New + Old Course) | 134 |
Instructional Pedagogy (New Course) | 136 |
Political Science | 158 |
Home Science | 164 |
Hotel Management | 170 |
Sociology | 172 |
General Law | 196 |
Painting | 326 |
Chemistry | 112 |
Economics | 126 |
Population Studies | 146 |
Mass Communication | 162 |
Philosophy | 176 |
Biology Education | 194 |
Library & Information Science | 198 |
Environmental Education | 308 |
Byakaran | 310 |
Opt. Byakaran I (Ved Bidhyashram) | 334 |
Sports Science | 366 |
Geography | 118 |
Computer Science | 130 |
Opt. Nepali | 132 |
Education Pedagogy (Old Course) | 136 |
Maithili | 148 |
Hindi | 160 |
Newari | 168 |
Physics Education | 192 |
Rural Development | 302 |
Classical Music (Vocal/ Instrument Flute) | 338/340 |
Sculpture | 324 |
Food Crops Production and Food Security | 344 |
Introduction to Animal Housing & Sanitation | 350 |
Computer Hardware and Architecture | 354 |
Geo-technical Engineering | 358 |
Electrical Inst. of Commercial & Industrial Buildings | 362 |
Mathematics | 116 |
BOOM | 122 |
OMSP | 128 |
Health & Physical Education | 144 |
Psychology | 152 |
Music | 154 |
Linguistics | 180 |
Co-operative Management | 304 |
Sahitya | 314 |
Business Studies | 328 |
Commercial Fruit Production & Orchard Management | 342 |
Commercial Goat Farming | 348 |
General Principle & Theories of Law | 370 |
Com. English (Partial Students) | 002 |
Biology (Botany + Zoology) | 114 |
Teaching Mathematics | 138 |
Teaching Nepali | 140 |
Teaching English | 142 |
Dance | 150 |
History | 156 |
Culture | 166 |
Travel & Tourism | 174 |
Elements of Finance | 306 |
Jyotish | 312 |
Nyaya | 316 |
Nepali Legal System | 368 |
Opt. English | 120 |
Principles of Accounting I | 124 |
Agriculture | 178 |
Urdu | 186 |
German | 188 |
Human Value Education | 190 |
Veda | 318 |
Nitishastra | 320 |
Applied Arts | 330 |
Anibarya Sanskrit Rachana | 332 |
Classical Music (Tabala) | 336 |
Participatory Agriculture Extension and Marketing | 346 |
Commercial Poultry Farming | 352 |
Computer Programming | 356 |
Road Construction Material and Testing | 360 |
Control and Protection of Industrial Power Supply System | 364 |
Constitutional Law & Nepali Constitution | 372 |

neb subject codes 11 12
NEB Subject Codes Grade 12
Subject | Subject Code |
Compulsory English | 004 |
Anibarya Baikalpik Sanskrit Rachana | 005 |
Physics | 210 |
Political Science | 258 |
Home Science | 264 |
Hotel Management | 270 |
Sociology | 272 |
General Law | 296 |
Painting | 626 |
Child Dev. & Learning | 902 |
Geography | 218 |
Computer Science | 230 |
Optional Nepali | 232 |
Maithili | 248 |
Hindi | 260 |
Newari | 268 |
Rural Development | 602 |
Nyaya | 616 |
Sculpture | 624 |
Folk Music (Vocal/ Instrument/ Flute) | 638/640 |
Commercial Mushroom Production & Marketing | 644 |
Introduction to Livestock Breeding Management | 650 |
Data Communication & Computer Network | 654 |
Structural Analysis & RCC Design | 658 |
Operation & Maint. of Micro Hydro Plant & PV System | 662 |
Biology (Botany + Zoology) | 214 |
Optional English | 220 |
Principles of Accounting II | 224 |
Urdu | 286 |
German | 288 |
Veda | 618 |
Nitishastra | 620 |
Applied Arts | 630 |
Dance | 250 |
History | 256 |
Culture | 266 |
Travel & Tourism | 274 |
Elements of Finance | 606 |
Jyotish | 612 |
Teaching Science | 904 |
Teaching Social Studies | 906 |
Teaching Health & Environment Science | 938 |
Opt. Byakaran III (Ved Bidyashram) | 635 |
Sustainable Integrated Nutrient & Pest Management | 646 |
Applied animal nutrition | 652 |
Web Development and Database | 656 |
Maintenance & Rehabilitation of Structures | 660 |
Repair & Management of Electrical Equipments | 664 |
Chemistry | 212 |
Economics | 226 |
Population Studies | 246 |
Mass Communication | 262 |
Philosophy | 276 |
Library & Information Science | 298 |
Environmental Education | 608 |
Chemistry Education | 942 |
Byakaran | 610 |
Opt. Byakaran II (Ved Bidyashram) | 634 |
Mathematics | 216 |
BOOM | 222 |
OMSP | 228 |
Health & Physical Education | 244 |
Psychology | 252 |
Music | 254 |
Linguistics | 280 |
Co-operative Management | 604 |
Sahitya | 614 |
Business Studies | 628 |
Compulsory English (Partial Students) | 004 |
Compulsory Nepali | 006 |
Alternative English | 008 |
Instructional Evaluation | 918 |
Agriculture | 278 |
Business Mathematics | 908 |
Marketing | 910 |
Introduction to Education Technology | 912 |
Primary Education | 914 |
Instructional Organization | 922 |
Contemporary Society | 924 |
General Mathematics | 926 |
General Science | 928 |
Social Studies | 930 |
Rural Economics | 932 |
Special Need Education | 934 |
Gender Studies | 936 |
Food & Nutrition | 940 |
History of Arts | 944 |
Nepal Parichaya | 946 |
Sanskrit Byakaran Rachana | 948 |
Commercial &Vegetable Production & Marketing | 642 |
Introductory Meat Science | 648 |