Bluebook/Billbook (Sawari Darta Pramanpatra) is the logbook that contains complete information about the vehicle and its owner that is registered in the transportation management office. It is used for paying the vehicle tax.
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Paying the vehicle tax helps on renewing bluebook in Nepal. If you are really a busiest person in Nepal, you can learn on how to renew bluebook in Nepal without visiting transport office.
Vehicle tax is the tax that you need to pay to the government for using any vehicle. For the registration of your bluebook, you have to pay the custom of NRs. 200 to 1500 depending upon the type of your private vehicle.
The payment varies for the rental vehicle. You have to renew your bluebook yearly. The vehicle tax has to be paid within Chaitra, last month of Nepali calendar.
It is important to renew bluebook in Nepal on time. If it is not renewed within three months of its last date, you will be fined as per the rules.
Yearly duty for owners of vehicles is paying road tax. It is the duties of vehicle owner to pay tax or revenue of theirs vehicle or service they use and it is also one of the one of the rules of government.
Depending upon the type of your private vehicle as registration of your bluebook you must have to pay the custom of Nepali rupees 200 to 1500.
It is important to renew your blue book otherwise you will have to paid fine for not fulfilling your duties. Road tax must be paid annually by people of the country. We have to manage time for the day to go to the Transportation Management Office of our respective zones and pay the yearly road tax.
You must visit the office in Ekantakuna, Lalitpur for Bagmati zone and for motorbike. If you are not sure where you have to go for your zone then ask around people.
The place is usually filled with people who are there to pay their tax. During the end of the Nepali year or during the end of the fiscal period the place is usually crowded. We also have to do a mandatory third party insurance for our vehicles to get our blue books renewed, along with the regular vehicle tax.
Vehicle tax in Nepal
Renewing your bluebook also includes paying your vehicle tax for the next year. All the works related to renewing Bluebook in Nepal, applying for the new license, license renewal and anything related to transportation department is carried out by the Department of Transportation and Management (DoTM) in Nepal.
DoTM was established in 2041 B.S. to manage the transportation system in Nepal which had the main objective to provide safe, reliable and convenient transportation services for carrying of goods and for people to travel from one place to another.
pay Vehicle Tax Nepal
To renew bluebook, you have to spare some time to visit the transportation office. There is a transportation office in each zone.
They are: Mechi (Charpane), Koshi (Itahari), Sagarmatha (Lahaan), Janakpur (Janakpur), Bagmati (Ekantakuna), Narayani (Birgunj), Gandaki (Pokhara), Lumbini (BUtwal), Dhaulagiri (Baglung), Rapti (Tulsipur), Bheri (Banke), Karnali (Jumla), Seti (Dangadi) and Mahakali (Bhimdutta).
These are the where the transport offices are according to zones. Recently, three transport offices have been opened in Bagmati zone due to the huge pressure in Ekantakuna office to provide the services to a large population.
New offices have been opened in Thulo Bharyang (Swayambhu), Jagati (Bhaktapur) and Sukedhara Chowk (Chabahil). Now, you can renew your bluebook from these offices as well. More transportation offices are to be opened in the future.
How to renew Bluebook in Nepal
While renewing your bluebook, you also have to do mandatory third party insurance for your vehicles. To pay your tax and renew bluebook, follow the steps below:

renew blue book in Nepal
- Visit the transportation management office respective to you.
- For the third party insurance to renew your bluebook, there are insurers outsides the building.
- You have to pay the yearly charge from the counter. Stand in the line. When your turn comes, give them your bluebook. They will calculate the amount for you, and you have to pay there. If you want to know the tax beforehand, then you can get the information via SMS as well. Type VTAX(space)(vehicle no) and send it to 4321. For e.g.: Type VTAX ba37pa399 and send it to 4321. You will receive the vehicle tax for the respective vehicle.
- Take back your Bluebook, your payment receipt and insurance papers. Submit it to another window where Bluebook dine thau is written.
- They do the necessary works inside. From the next window, your vehicle no. will be called out. You have to go and take all your documents back and check if everything is in the place.
Thus, your work for a year is done.
How to renew Bluebook in Kathmandu
In order to renew blue book first you should Visit the Transportation Management Office.
For motorbikes, it is located in Ekantakuna. You need to do a third party insurance for your vehicle. You have to pay the yearly charge from the counter. Stand in the line. When your turn comes, give them your bluebook.
They will calculate the amount for you, and you have to pay there. If you want to know the tax beforehand, then you can get the information via SMS as well.
Vehicle tax in nepal sms syntax is as following. Type VTAX(space)(vehicle no) and send it to 4321. For e.g.: Type VTAX ba37pa399 and send it to 4321.
You will receive the vehicle tax for the respective vehicle. There are tons of insurers that are set up right outside the main building. Along with the receipt of payment and your insurance papers then take back the bill book.
Submit it to another window in the back where there will be written as bluebook diney thau. Get all your documents back after Waiting for your vehicles number called out from another window and Make sure that everything is in place (stamps/signatures/dates) and go back home being satisfied that you won’t have to come here for another year.
How to renew bluebook in Nepal online
If you are too busy or do not want to stand in the queue for your bluebook renewal, there is a professional line-sitting company called Mr Help which will help you to renew your bluebook by completing all transport formalities. You can also visit to to check out for the services you need.