The Class 12 Exam 2080, conducted by the National Examination Board (NEB), took place from Baisakh 26 to Jestha 5. Our sources indicate that the answer sheets have been thoroughly checked, and the verification and entry process is currently in its final stage. It is anticipated that the NEB Class 12 Result 2080 will be released by the end of Shrawan.
NEB Class 12 Result
The process of checking NEB Class 12 results is incredibly simple. Like in previous years, students can access their results and marks through the official website and various third-party sites. Obtaining your board exam results requires only a few easy steps. You can check your result online via the Website, SMS or IVR service. However, it is essential to understand the process clearly; otherwise, you may endlessly search through numerous websites without success. Don’t worry, though – we’re here to guide you every step of the way and ensure you receive your results with a mark sheet.
Exam name | NEB Class 12 Examination |
Result name | NEB Class 12 Result 2080 2023 |
Exam Start date | 26th of Baisakh 2080 |
Exam End Date | 5th of Jestha 2080 |
Result date | August 2nd Week |
Official Website | |
Faculties | Science Result, Management Result |
Table of Contents
What do you need to check NEB class 12 result?
- Make sure to remember your symbol number before anything else. Otherwise, you won’t be able to access your result.
- Don’t forget to provide your date of birth. Some students choose not to include their actual date of birth on their school reports, so it’s important to use the date you used during NEB registration.

When is NEB class 12 result date?
Typically, the Grade 12 NEB board examinations are conducted during the month of Baishakh. Subsequently, the results for students pursuing Science are officially declared in Bhadra. On the other hand, students enrolled in management, humanities, and education programs must patiently await their respective results until the subsequent month. It is important to mention that the NEB board does not explicitly mention specific dates for these examinations.
Once the NEB results are out, you can progress to the Bachelor level. There’s no need to worry about your results; they will reflect your dedication and effort. Wishing everyone the best of luck with their board results!
NEB class 12 result 2080 online
It is easy to check results online with a single click. You can check results with marks and grades. This article will provide you with complete information on the class 12 result check. These are the list of best websites publishing class 12 results of Nepal.
- The Nepal Telecom class 12 result website is
- The official NEB class 12 result website is
You should not roam here and there for the result. These two websites are genuine and provide results online with marks/grades.
How to check Class 12 result on

- Check out the NEB website at When you land on the homepage of the National Examination Board, you’ll find all sorts of tabs like About Us, Notices, Results, and more.
- Click on “Results” tab. You are directed to a new webpage of Results.
- Enter Your Symbol No. of the examination you appeared in and then Enter the Search Button.
Your Result of the examination will be displayed.
You can see various lists of results published by the National Examination Board like Results of the SEE Examination, Class XI and Class XII Results, Supplementary Exam Results etc.
How to check Class 12 result on
- Go to the website
- Fill in your symbol number and date of birth in the required fields.
- Click the submit button.
The screen will show you the Class 12th NEB Result, which you can save on your device and print a copy for future use.

NEB class 12 result 2080 by SMS
If you don’t have an internet facility, you may also get your NEB results through SMS service.
Type NEB, space, your symbol number and send it to 1600. There are lots of sms service providers for you.
Type NEB < space > SYMBOL Number and Send it to 1600
I never share other SMS services than NTC SMS. NTC SMS service is the cheapest SMS service ever. It only costs you one rupee for a single result check. We mentioned this in our previous post on How to check Class 12 results On the Phone.
NEB class 12 result on Landline or IVR Service
Just dial 1601 and follow the instructions given. You will be prompted to enter your symbol number for easy access to your results.
In conclusion, we shared with you the most important fact to save your balance on your mobile phone. You may be surprised, and you might be thinking, how?. The NTC SMS result check service is the cheapest. So, never look after other SMS service providers to check class 12 results. Instead, directly type NEB, give space, and then type your symbol number and send it to 1600. Yahoo, your result is on your mobile.
Another important fact we mentioned in the article is about online result check. Why do you roam here and there for class 12 results? You can immediately go to the official websites mentioned in the post. There is no necessity to visit other waste websites to check results. You will save money on internet mobile data and SMS during result checks.
NEB 12th Result 2080 FAQ
What is the NEB Class 12 result?
The NEB Class 12 result refers to the published outcome of the National Examination Board (NEB) for students who have appeared in the class 12 exams.
Where can I check my NEB Class 12 result for the year 2080?
You can check your NEB Class 12 result for the year 2080 online through the official NEB website or other authorized result portals.
How do I check my NEB Class 12 result?
To check your NEB Class 12 result, you need to enter your symbol number and date of birth on the result checking portal or website.
When will the NEB Class 12 result for the year 2080 be published?
The NEB Class 12 result for the year 2080 is expected to be published in the last week of Shrawan 2080.
Can I check the NEB Class 12 result of previous years?
No, the NEB Class 12 result is specific to the current year. However, you can find the results of previous years separately.
Is the NEB Class 12 result available online?
Yes, the NEB Class 12 result is available online on the official NEB website or other authorized result portals.
How can I check my class 12 result apart from the NEB website?
You can check your class 12 result on authorized result portals apart from the NEB website, which are officially authorized to publish the results.
What should I do if I forget my symbol number and date of birth?
If you forget your symbol number and date of birth, you may need to contact your school or the NEB office to retrieve the required information.
When did the class 12 exams take place?
The class 12 exams took place in the year 2080 as per the examination schedule provided by the NEB from the 26th of Baisakh to the 5th of Jestha 2080.