Nepal’s transportation authority has significantly changed the driving license documentation process and online license form application. One can fill out an ambitious license form online now. You won’t have to stand in queue to get the application form. You can browse the internet, log in to the official website of the transportation authority named Nepal DOTM Dlreg Homepage and fill out the form online for a Nepal driving license.
Following simple procedures shall help you apply for a driving license in Nepal. Just some months, someone needed to ask for permission and had to wait and stand in the queue for hours. Things have changed now. You save tremendous time not having to visit the transportation authority and stand in line for hours.

Nepal Government has made this substantial step to make things comfortable for the nation’s citizens. Moreover, it is also a move going hand-in-hand with the progressing world of technology. Time had gone when all things were dealt with on paper.
The world is digitizing, and departments know the tedious process of handling paper works. Documentation is much more accessible via computer. There were times when one had to get up early in the morning to queue up to get the form and then fill and submit it. But you needn’t worry anymore, as you can now fill online driving license form in Nepal.
If you must go abroad, you must submit your visa & MRP as proof to get into a driving license priority list.
Table of Contents
How to get a driving license in Nepal
The Government has been talking about E-governance all this time, and following that Department of Transportation Management has introduced an online registration process for getting a Nepal driving license. You no longer have to visit the office; instead, you can fill up your form from home using the Internet.

This article to help you with steps to get a two-wheeler license.
Taking and giving bribes is illegal. Always stay away from such people.
Fill out the online form.
From the very process of filling out the online form, I will enlist all the information to get the Nepali driving license. Here are the steps involved in getting a permit for a two-wheeler.

The first step is filling out the online license form. You can fill out the form online. Visit the site Nepal dlreg homepage at
And fill in your details from online form. They need your details and related information. Fill in the required details and then submit them. If you are applying for a scooter, click on category K.
Please check this list if you are applying for an online driving license for other categories than scooters.
A- Motorcycle, Scooter, Moped
B- Car, Jeep, Delivery Van
C- Tempo, Autorickshaw
C1- E-rickshaw
D- Power tiller
E- Tractor, Trailer Tractor (Low Bed)
H- Road Toller, Dozer
H1- Dozer
H2- Road Roller
I- Crane, Fire Brigade, Loader
I1- Crane, Mobile Crane, Crane Mounted Truck
I2- Fire Brigade
I3- Loader
J1- Excavator
J2- Backhoe Loader
J3- Grader
J4- Forklift
J5- Other
K- Scooter, Moped is the official website of the department of transportation of Nepal.
The website remains down many times, so be patient with this. Try filling it out yourself, even if it takes days. Don’t get it filled by brokers; they will charge you 200 rupees or more. General computer and internet skills will work in this case.
Make sure to fill in all the right details because it is very tough to change it once you submit it. You will receive a page confirming all your details when you submit the form. Print it out, and this is what you submit to the transportation office.
We will discuss more step-by-step procedures on how to fill online driving license form.
Submitting the form in Nepal Yatayat Karyalaya
While you submit your form, you need a blood test. You can do it in the office itself. You will also require an eye test, which the transportation office does the same.
After staying in the queue, you will get to the office to enter all your information on the computer, and they will also click your photograph for your license. Then you will go to another room for an eye checkup. They only name it checkup but don’t do much.
They only check if you are color blind or not. Then they will check your blood group. Now, you have your blood group, your eye checked, and a photograph was taken. You finally get to submit the form.
You will get a Nepali date for the written examination.
Driving license written examination
Usually, the exam is after the day you submit the form. If you submit the paper today, the written exam will be the day after tomorrow. Be prepared to get in a long line; you will have to separate a whole day for the written exam. The exam will be for a few minutes.
If you have prepared well, you can complete it in 5 minutes or less. You need the receipt of the payment you made earlier in order to give the written examination.
Preparing for an exam is very easy. You can download the app and then prepare for it. Questions are MCQs. It is easy. There are four options, and you have to tick one. You must get at least ten answers right to pass the examination. The questions are related to traffic rules and your two-wheeler itself. So you don’t have to worry about failing the exam.
Passing the written exam is very crucial to getting the license. If you pass the exam, you will be eligible to give the trial exam another day.
Driving license trial examination
The biggest exam is of trial examination. The written exam is easy to pass. But trial examination can be quite tricky. At times even the most experienced person fails the trial exam. For the trial exam, you need a lot of practice.
In my case, I have been riding a scooter for a month, so I only practiced the trial for one hour, and fortunately, I passed the exam. It will be easy if you also have road experience before giving the trial. If you have just learned the bike and have not ridden on the road, you will need enough practice.
Go to some trail practice centers and practice. You can first practice on your scooter/bike. When you get it right, you need to practice with the bike that is given on Trial exam day. In the case of a scooter, you will have to give the test in ray Z, so better practice in that.
So, all the best with your license examination. Don’t be nervous; practice enough, and believe in yourself. You can pass the exam. I hope the article helps you. Write in the comment section if you gave your exam or not.
Nepal DOTM homepage
DOTM, also known as Nepal dlreg homepage, has eased up the process by introducing the E-Registration system on December 25, 2016. The intelligent driving license in Nepal will also manage the previous records of the driving licenses making the work of traffic police much more accessible.
Similarly, the DLREG Homepage system of Nepal also aims to make the government office paperless. Nepal driving license form is available online, and now you can submit it online.

Nepal has started taking driving license forms online. Here is a tutorial for filling up Nepal’s driving license form online from Nepal dlreg homepage.
I remember three months before, when I was in Nepal for a holiday, I waited in a queue for four hours just to make a copy of my driving license.
Not only was it in trouble because of a manual paper process during the early days. Now, the time has arrived. Nepalese can fill out the driving license form online by sitting on their chair.
It is a good step by the Nepal government. It has almost saved the time of millions of people.
It wasn’t easy in the past few days. People needed to queue up early in the morning in order to submit a form. Now every Nepalese can fill up a driving license form online quickly.
The process is much faster and less time-consuming than before. Filling up your form is also very easy as everything is self-explanatory. All you need is basic computer knowledge and internet connectivity. With the intelligent licensing system, you can get your license with a less hassle-free procedure.
You can download the form directly and fill up your details through this site. Later in this article, I listed the detailed procedure for filling out your form online.
How to fill Online driving license form Nepal
Here is a step-by-step tutorial that will help you fill out the online driving license Nepal form online. The information is related to the Nepal Dlreg homepage. It is also known as online form.
New Process
Step 1: Visit the website
Step 2: If you have dotm login, you need to log in to the account, putting in your username and password.
Step 3: If you do not have dotm gov np login, you need to click on signup as highlighted in the image.

Step 4: After you log in, click on Apply for Driving License option.

Step 5: Accept the Terms and Conditions page by ticking the box and clicking the next button.
Step 6: Select the driving license you want. If you want a scooter license, select the first option. If you want a motorcycle license in Nepal, click the second option.

Step 7: Select your nearest DOTM office to book a written exam and trial date. If you are going on a peace-keeping mission or for an abroad study, you will have the option to apply for a driving license urgently. NRN, medical personnel, and government employees also can request urgent driving licenses in Nepal. Tick Apply for urgent if you meet the criteria.

Step 8: Select your desired online driving license date in Nepal. If you do not see the available date, you need to wait until more dates are released.

Old process
Step 1: Go to the link
Step 2: Click on ONLINE DRIVING LICENSE REGISTRATION and start the process.

It will lead you to the official website of the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, Department of Transport Management “Nepal Electronic Driving License and Vehicle Registration System.
Step 3: You will see a drop-down menu. It lets you choose your citizenship. This is a mandatory field.
Clicking on the Proceed button will lead you to the next page, where you will fill out a detailed form.
Step 4: You will see a form where you will have to submit your demographic details. The fields with * mark are mandatory.
Fill out the form carefully and make sure all the details you provide are correct and are as per the national identity card or passport issued.
Some fields include Applicant First Name, Applicant Last Name, Age, Occupation, Blood Group, Citizenship No, Passport No, Identity Mark, Witness First Name, Witness Last Name, and others.
As you notice, this system also makes a database of information like blood groups.
Don’t rush while filling out the form.
Take your time and try submitting the form without any errors.
After you are done filling out the form, submit it by pressing the done button.
Further, you can follow up and always make an inquiry about your status and process for further steps in possessing the license.
So, just sitting in the corner of your room or a cafe, you can complete the application process without any hassle or heat up in the queue on a hot sunny day. Should you have any other confusion regarding Filling Driving License Nepal Form Online you can always get to us. We are always dedicated to your service. You can stay updated on our website for more informative articles.
Online Driving license form download
Firstly, you must go to the link of Nepal dlreg homepage at
Now, on clicking the proceed button, you will move toward the next page, as shown in the image.
You need to fill up your details in this section. These details are completely based on your identity. Please fill up the form carefully without any kind of error. You can take help from your citizenship document or passport while filling up this driving license Nepal form online.
Visitors, if you are finding any kind of trouble or confusion in filling out a form, please leave your comment in the comment section below. Our expert IT team will guide you through the process. If you share your problem, it may help other people as well.
Online driving license Form Nepal
- Visit the official site of the Department of transport management
- Please scroll down to find the option Online Driving License Form option and click it.
- Then click on Driving online license Registration.
- Fill in your required details and click on the submit option.
- You will receive a message stating Applicants successfully saved
- Once the application is submitted, you will receive a unique reference number.

You will require the unique reference number while sitting for the written exam on a date prescribed by the Transport Management Office. So keep a record of your unique reference number. If you fail to attend your driving license Nepal examination on the stated date because of any reason, your application will automatically be discarded.

The current online registration system currently works for two-wheeler only but will be implemented for all four-wheelers and heavy vehicles very soon. Similarly, the system accepts only 500 applications a day, so this has been creating a lot of inconveniences, but authorities say that the number will be increased very soon. The system is currently under implementation in Kathmandu valley only.
Though the system faced difficulty during the first weeks of its introduction, it is working quite effectively these days. There will no more be days when Nepali people have to stay hours in the queue just to fill up a form. The smart licensing process will make the overall procedure of transport management in Nepal effective and efficient.
If you are going for foreign employment or studying abroad, it is better to have a driving license before you go abroad. Many countries like Australia accepts Nepali driving license for driving in their country.
FAQ’s related to online driving license
How to fill online driving license form Nepal?
The website remains to down a lot of times so be patient with this. Try filling it yourself even if it takes days. Don’t get it filled from brokers around they will charge you 200 rupees or more. General computer and internet skills will work in this case.
How to check Nepali driving license online?
For this, you need to type LC Application ID and send it to 33001. To know the result of the driving license Nepal test, you need to type WTApplication ID and send it to 33001.
How to see a Nepali driving license online?
You can verify your driving license in Nepal online. Here are the three steps to check the authenticity of a driving license in Nepal. Step 1: Go to the website Step 2: Click check status Step 3: Click on License No. Step 4: Enter Nepali License Number Step 5: You will see your license details if your license is original.
What are documents needed to apply for a driving license in Nepal?
When you apply for a driving license, you must submit the following documents:
1. Passport size Photo
2. Citizenship
For how long Nepali driving license is valid for?
Once issued, the Nepali driving license is valid for 5 years.